You may have guessed it. It's loss of water volume in your body. In his book, 'Your Body's Many Cries For Water', Dr. Batmanghelidg emphasizes both the healing effects of water, and the damaging effects of dehydration. Losing 1.5% of your water volume isn't really that difficult.
Listen to Lawrence E. Armstrong, professor of physiology in UConn's Department of Kinesiology in the Neag School of Education. He is an international expert on hydration, and has conducted research in the field for more than 20 years. "Our thirst sensation doesn't really appear until we are 1 [percent] or 2 percent dehydrated. By then dehydration is already setting in and starting to impact how our mind and body perform. Dehydration affects all people, and staying properly hydrated is just as important for those who work all day at a computer as it is for marathon runners, who can lose up to 8 percent of their body weight as water when they compete."
You may enjoy raisins, but you don't want to be one. Same with prunes. Not a pretty thought. Now think of your brain turning into a raisin or prune.
As summer approaches (here in the Pacific Northwest) or is in full swing (nearly everywhere else), this becomes even more important. Studies have shown, for instance, that elderly people who are hospitalized for dehydration often die within that same year. Your body will attempt to rob moisture from vital organs to help your blood carry vital nutrients along.
In coaching people to health using the Isagenix system of foods and supplements, we recommend 100 ounces of clean water daily as a good place to start. Larger-bodied people will require more, possibly, to stay well hydrated. Here's a little test you can do at home. On a day when you have had an adequate amount of water, pinch the skin on the back of your hand, as you hold it out in front of you, palm down. The skin will quickly return and not stay in a "tent" shape. If you do this little test, and the skin does stay in a tent-like shape, it's a good indication you need more hydration.
I'm so thankful that you've taken the very important step of getting in control of your health. My goal is to support you in achieving YOUR Isagenix goals. Since this system is designed primarily to assist the body in getting rid of poisons and impurities by flushing them out through the urinary system, it is absolutely imperative that you consume enough clean water. If you don't, you may experience some negative effects as the released impurities remain in your body. Now - go get a glass of water!
Successfully Yours,
Ruth Shapovalov
1 425 802 2763