Saturday, March 24, 2012

Are you Upside Down?

Being upside down in your health is worse than being upside down in your mortgage...

You don't "remember" the hunter-gatherer days, but you know of them. What hunter-gatherers consumed were foods with high nutrition and low calories. Today, most Americans, Canadians, and increasingly people in other countries around the world, are getting the reverse—high calories and low nutrition. Many are overfed, yet starving to death. Their bodies are accumulating fat and pollutants from intentional AND unintentional contaminants in our food supply, causing their biological systems to shut down and be vulnerable to a variety of chronic diseases.

Adding to the intake of excessive calories with little valuable nutrition, is the increasingly sedentary lifestyle. We no longer have to do the lifting, walking, pushing and pullling our ancestors did - because we've developed technology which makes this largely unneccesary. When I say I'm going to do the laundry, I mean my WASHER is going to do the laundry, for instance. When I "run to the store", i do it in my Scion!

When we hear of people being upside down in their mortgage, we are sorry for them, and wish there was something we, or they, could do. What about hearing that your family member or friend is "upside down" in their nutrition? If it costs more than it's worth, they're upside down. If they're upside down, they're sick, obese, or worse. Reading some of the advice given by a so-called nutritionist to one of my family members made me shake my head and wonder - what in the world is being done to us under the misguided umbrella of Health Care? How can an educated person advise someone to get further away from whole foods and consume man-made nutrient-poor ... what do I call them? "FOODS" would be a stretch if not outright lie. How about food-like products? I'm saddened, and highly disappointed. Thankfully, there are highly educated true HEALTH care professionals who recognize the human body's need for right side up nutrition. Nutrition in which the cost reflects the content. Did Hippocrates get it wrong when he said "Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food."? I don't think so, and I'll give you a few reasons why.

I have witnessed, first hand, people regaining their health after just a short time consuming a rightside up diet. I have witnessed, first hand, one of my own family members correcting an issue that a medical nutritionist told her should be solved their way, and doing so in a matter of four weeks. I am constantly talking with people who, upon achieving a healthy weight, have discarded physical ailments they've carried around for years. All of this by consuming a diet which is worth the money spent on it. Nutrient-dense, and calorie-low.

I'm just a bit too busy to consume a locally-grown, all-organic diet of fresh fruits and vegetables eaten the same day they are harvested. I don't have ready access to free-range, clean chicken and beef. We do have a good availability of wild-caught fish. We rely upon nutrient-dense foods which are completely clean, and live when you add water to them, as our foundation. We choose to spend a little extra money when shopping at the grocery store, to buy clean food. If you want to save money, save it on what you put on the OUTSIDE of your body. Don't be upside down. There is no reason to, when the alternative is as close as your keyboard and mouse. How important this is to you is very personal and individual. But what if it's important to you, and you just don't know there is a easy option? Ethically, I have to let you know. If you choose to say "no", at least I know you had a choice.

Here are some resources:

  • You can buy organic dried beans at a good price through about garbanzo beans, anasazi beans, lentils, and mung beans, for starters

  • You can find a local organic farm co-op and help a family owned organic farm business thrive by purchasing a share of the harvest
  • You can read labels at the grocery store and refuse chemical sweeteners or flavor enhancers, chemical additives, and worthless processed foods
  • Go to the Environmental Working Group page for a list of the "Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen" fruits and vegetables, to decide what MUST be organic and what you might get away with buying that is grown non-organic

You can ask me about our nutritional foundation, which our family has used for nearly six years, that provides a super nutrient-dense, low calorie cost, 100% clean food source. And, yes, I absolutely market this.

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