Friday, September 14, 2012

What foods make you shudder? What foods make you say "More, please!"? You can learn a lot about the state of a person's health by their answer to these questions. Is "good" food "bad" tasting? Some people would, reluctantly perhaps, say "yes" to this.

Good food: Cod liver oil
Good TASTING food: Farm-raised Cod deep fried in hydrogenated oil

Good food:  Raw, organic broccoli
Good TASTING food: raw broccoli dipped in commercially-promoted ranch dressing

Good food: Raw, organic red cabbage
Good TASTING food: Cabbage cole slaw with mayonnaise and sugar

You get my point, I'm sure. Some of the best tasting foods are the worst for you. Sadly, some of the absolute best foods for you, at least in the opinions of some people, taste the worst.

Below are the results from a recent survey I found online: